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Why the Red Pill Community Must Not Go Away!

Writer's picture: Lawrence HunterLawrence Hunter

A few weeks ago, I went on a YouTube podcast called Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters (DBDS). Generally, the show has men and women on it. However, on this day, I was part of the “King Takeover.” Without any input from the ladies, an entire panel of men would speak their minds on the given topic. The topic was Why the Red Pill Community Needs to Go Away. Thank you to Treamell Lawrence and Carl, the Coach, for allowing me to participate. For reference, I will use the terms Red Pill and Manosphere interchangeably. I’m sure there are some minor differences, but I will use them as one and the same for this article.

As determined from the show’s title, we were to explain why the Red Pill should disappear into oblivion. As laid out in this work, I took a different path and advocated for its continuance and growth. On my YouTube channel, I recently had someone in the comment section ask me my thoughts about feminism and the black and red pills. So, I thought it was a good time to write about why the Red Pill should stick around. The Red Pill is a philosophy that stems from The Matrix movies. In that movie franchise, Neo, the protagonist, faced a dilemma. Take the red pill and see the world as it truly is, or take the blue pill and see the world as the machine(computer) wants you to see it. Watch the movie for further reference. The Manosphere, Red Pill, and Men’s Rights Advocacy groups have adopted the red pill as a metaphor for the real world, especially when it comes to dating and female nature. The red pill indicates that one understands that, in general, women are hypergamous or will seek the best male prospect. That is, they will see the male who can provide the best financial support and which mate is most physically fit. For obvious reasons, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

The blue pill, if one chooses to take it, will continue to provide a world in which women are loving, adoring people who need men to understand and cater to them. In short, women are sugar, spice, and everything nice. The Blue Pill would have people continuing to marry without seriously taking into consideration how divorce may impact a man, his earnings, and any relationship with the children he helps bring into the world. It will cause men to unquestionably participate in the workforce, which has become increasingly hostile to male presence and masculinity.

So why should anyone (men) take the red pill, and why should it stick around? Considering that it may cause some to become negative, jaded, and angry, why should they indulge? I’m glad you asked.

#1: Becoming Self Aware

First is the reason I just mentioned. As argued in The Matrix, it will help one become aware and self-aware of the world as it truly is and not as the shiny image they want you to see it as. As long as men do not seriously consider the consequences of divorce, the loss of their homes, half their savings, earnings, and full access to their children, they will continue to marry and feed the very machine that may cause their ruin. Taking the red pill will have one question: why are they participating in their own destruction? They will become aware, at least in the West (and growing in the East), that men often get the short end of the stick. To be clear, the best reason to take the Red Pill is to wake men up and see the world, AKA the dating scene, and some women as they indeed are, instead of looking at them through rose-colored glasses. Good, bad, or indifferent, one should understand the possibilities of what could happen. For the record, I do not believe that all women are gold-digging… you fill in the pejorative. I believe plenty of women are trustworthy, honest, loyal, and not driven by flashy objects. However, given the divorce stats and current dating landscape, one should understand the liabilities and possibilities and move accordingly.

#2: Becoming the Best You

The second reason one should take the red pill is that it can propel one to be the best version of oneself. I have already mentioned the advantages of consuming the red pill philosophy: it can help one wake from a slumber and see reality. What does one do with that reality? From here, men have few options: to get married, enter a long-term relationship (LTR) with a complete understanding of modern dating, or refuse to dive into the dating pool altogether. If one decides to abstain from modern dating, there are a few terms: Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), monk, or single by choice. In the Black community, there are a few more terms: Passport Bros, although technically, there are other ethnicities who are Passport Bros. I covered this phenomenon in another post. The Black Community also developed Save Yourself Black Man (#SYSBM) and Black Male Independence (BMI). Like the Passport Bro movement, SYSBM is about Black men doing what is in their best interest. That freedom includes voting differently from the traditional Black = Democrat voting narrative. In the clip provided, The Grio host, Eboni K. Williams, spoke about Black men and a growing relationship with the Republican Party. There’s another video clip on X (Twitter) in which Ms. Williams admits that Black men and women no longer have the same political ideology and goals. (I couldn’t find the clip, but I have saved it on my PC). From a dating perspective, SYSBM involves no longer exclusively dating Black women or, as mentioned, going overseas to find love. SYSBM and BMI can also mean foregoing dating and relationships altogether.

I have come across a few podcasts that discuss various topics, including technology, politics, economics, health, and finance. This information, especially about world economics and the political landscape, has pushed me to read and further educate myself. The participants have suggested books, websites, peer-reviewed articles, and reputable newspapers to read. When applied correctly, this can transform a generation of lost men into viable adults who can contribute to society.

#3 The Utility of the Red Pill Community

The third reason is that the Red Pill and Manosphere are spaces that provide men with a much-needed space to hear, understand, or relate to others who are like-minded. I understand that in recent years, this Space has been riddled with many negative voices who have spouted misogynistic rhetoric. I do not endorse or stand behind any of that. In the DBDS podcast and here, I advocate for the professionalization of this space. That is, I advocate for more intelligent, charismatic professionals interested in all men’s advancement and success. These professional people could be college professors, business leaders, politicians, and thought leaders. Think of Richard Reeves, Dr. T. Hassan Johnson, Scott Galloway, and others. I would include barbershop owners, truckers, and other small business owners in the list of men who could serve as leaders.

The Red Pill Community can serve as an educator on the potential financial, mental, and family ruination that may come as a result of a divorce. Concerning the high price that men pay in divorces, the Red Pill community can help serve as a buffer.

Many men have grown up without a father or strong masculine presence for far too long. The manosphere and healthy content have served as a light to help bring many out of darkness and despair. After my divorce and entering the dating scene, I was astounded at how much it had changed in my previous two decades. It was the Red Pill community that helped me understand that the landscape had indeed changed, and it was not all in my head. The Red Pill community is full of great advice concerning love, advocation for political astuteness, the technology sector, and advice on working out and seeking mental health and therapy. With proper direction and guidance, the Red Pill community could be a place where men can get answers and seek mentorship.

How could and should we develop such a community while eliminating the red meat-baiting riff-raff? A good start could be seeking government grants or those from philanthropists such as Melinda Gates. In its present form, the Red Pill Community has its challenges. But it could be a force for good with the right direction and instruction. On my podcast, many men and women have been speaking out about the much-needed voice of seasoned men. We may not be able to defeat all of the ilk that poses as men’s advocates, but many are trying to help make men the best versions of themselves without tearing women down to do it.

M. Elizabeth Blair, in her article, tried to take aim at this phenomenon but was rightly excoriated in her comment section. An oversimplification of the problem is that men have felt excluded from college campuses, accused of being weirdo creeps on their jobs via #METOO, and then blasted for not wanting to participate. A deep nuance and critical examination of what led to the growth of this movement is needed rather than a hand-waving dismissal by ladies claiming that men are broken troglodytes who need to do better and get with the changing times.

As I finish this off, let me appeal to the lonely, forgotten men who are becoming (so-called) radicalized by the Red Pill community. If you find yourself constantly going to the underbelly of the internet to seek validation for your frustration, then I suggest developing a healthier alternative. I do not say this with an air of superiority or condemnation. I’m saying this as a loving uncle who wants you to succeed. Get in the gym, go back to school, get a trade, work on a hobby, get out of your mother’s basement, get rid of your beer belly, start a business, or hire a personal stylist or life coach; in short, work on yourself. It does no good to complain that women don’t want you. You must become the best version of yourself and give them something to respect and want. I say this with all sincerity and empathy for the changing times, but the first thing one must do is fix themselves and then look outwardly.

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